Rant: Tech Support is NOT your personal slave !!!!

I HATE IT when a customer that spends with you $20.00 a month expects you to everything for them. I recently had a client call me and complain about a very serious issue that was affecting a lot of his clients. He demanded that I get it fixed right away. Now I work on giving the best customer service possible but I am limited. If I were to do that for every client I would get no where. Also I will add that what the customer wanted was more of a feature than a severe bug. Just because a system does no preform to the exact liking of a customer does not mean that it is a bug. I recently had a friend relate to me how he had a client whom he set up Asterisk for and put the box up (a very good one I may add) in a data center. The client called him and stated that system was down and demanded that he fix it at once. He explained that he was on vacation and will look at it when he had time. There was no support contract between the two of them and the system was working fine for many months. The customer assumed that if he paid $200.00 for co-location then he was entitled to all the support in the world. In the end the issue was that the customer did not pay his ITSP and his account closed off. This brings me to another issue when your system is down it does NOT mean that mine is. I have another client that calls me from time to time saying “your lines are down”. As always I run a check and most of the time it is his internet that is having issues. I grab a trace, email it to him and show him that it is an issue at his end. Why do people always blame the next one. Check it out on your end and see if there is an issue. I have more to rant about but this will do for now.


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